Hydraulic fluid for topping off and for replacement (2025)

Jul 19, 2021 / Hydraulic fluid for topping off and for replacement



Sep 14, 2020
South West Missouri

    After replacing the hydraulic filter for the 50hr service I lost a little fluid, mostly from what was in the old filter. Now the manual gives specs for type of fluid to use but I’m not seeing these specs on any of the hydraulic fluid containers. Stopped by a LS dealer today and all they had was some universal hydraulic fluid with no specs and the parts man didn’t know if it was the correct fluid for my tractor. Went to an Oreilly auto store and they only had AW 32 and AW 46 hydraulic fluid in gallons. Looking for recommendations when I only need a gallon of fluid for topping off. Would also be interested in knowing what others are using for hydraulic fluid when they do there first fluid change.

    Jul 19, 2021 / Hydraulic fluid for topping off and for replacement



    Super Member
    Aug 16, 2017
    LS XR 3135HC

      This is what my LS dealer uses and recommended:


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      Jul 19, 2021 / Hydraulic fluid for topping off and for replacement



      Platinum Member
      Jun 29, 2009
      New Holland TC40D, Lull 400, IR SP-48 Roller

        If your LS manual is listing a spec of API GL4 ISO VG 46/68 LSTH570 then I'm 99% sure you can use.... Traveller Premium Universal Tractor Trans/Hydraulic Fluid from Tractor Supply...

        Also the NAPA 85401 suggested above... ^^^ by Doofy...

        Jul 19, 2021 / Hydraulic fluid for topping off and for replacement

        • Thread Starter




        Sep 14, 2020
        South West Missouri
        LS MT345E

          dlctcg said:

          If your LS manual is listing a spec of API GL4 ISO VG 46/68 LSTH570 then I'm 99% sure you can use.... Traveller Premium Universal Tractor Trans/Hydraulic Fluid from Tractor Supply...

          Also the NAPA 85401 suggested above... ^^^ by Doofy...

          Manual recommends API GL4 ISO VG 32/46 LSTH400G

          Jul 19, 2021 / Hydraulic fluid for topping off and for replacement



          Veteran Member
          May 16, 2018
          North Idaho
          LS XR4145C

            Pretty much any hydraulic fluid that says its for a transaxle, HST, or transmission, will be just fine.

            Jul 19, 2021 / Hydraulic fluid for topping off and for replacement



            Platinum Member
            Oct 31, 2007
            John Deere 4066R Cab and loader

              The Mobil recommendation is in-between ISO 46/68 and the Shell recommendation is closest to ISO 68.

              The only ISO 32 fluids that I know of are Kubota super udt 2 and John Deere low viscosity.

              Jul 19, 2021 / Hydraulic fluid for topping off and for replacement



              Veteran Member
              Nov 26, 2020
              Rib Lake Wisconsin
              LS XR4155, Ford 6610, Ford 8n

                Alan57 said:

                After replacing the hydraulic filter for the 50hr service I lost a little fluid, mostly from what was in the old filter. Now the manual gives specs for type of fluid to use but I’m not seeing these specs on any of the hydraulic fluid containers. Stopped by a LS dealer today and all they had was some universal hydraulic fluid with no specs and the parts man didn’t know if it was the correct fluid for my tractor. Went to an Oreilly auto store and they only had AW 32 and AW 46 hydraulic fluid in gallons. Looking for recommendations when I only need a gallon of fluid for topping off. Would also be interested in knowing what others are using for hydraulic fluid when they do there first fluid change.

                Where do you live or plan on operating the tractor ? If your planning to operate in extreme cold weather I would probably choose the lighter oil. Fleet Farm stores sell it in 5 gallon containers for about $36 , there’s supposed to be a Tractor Supply store opening here this fall So I might wait to see what they will be charging.

                Jul 19, 2021 / Hydraulic fluid for topping off and for replacement



                Veteran Member
                Jun 10, 2015
                St. Paul TX
                LS MT240HE. JD LA145.

                  PCABE5 said:

                  The Mobil recommendation is in-between ISO 46/68 and the Shell recommendation is closest to ISO 68.

                  The only ISO 32 fluids that I know of are Kubota super udt 2 and John Deere low viscosity.

                  Where are you getting this information from?

                  Only thing I could match up was the GL4 requirement. The Shell lists it as GL4, the Travellers doesn't list it.

                  Jul 19, 2021 / Hydraulic fluid for topping off and for replacement



                  Platinum Member
                  Oct 31, 2007
                  John Deere 4066R Cab and loader

                    Bearsixty7 said:

                    Where are you getting this information from?

                    Only thing I could match up was the GL4 requirement. The Shell lists it as GL4, the Travellers doesn't list it.

                    The product data sheets. The 40°C viscosity in particular.

                    Hydraulic fluid for topping off and for replacement (2025)


                    What can you use as a replacement for hydraulic fluid? ›

                    Automatic transmission fluid: Automatic transmission fluids are among the most popular hydraulic fluid substitutes because they have an extensive operating temperature range and can maintain optimal performance in diverse environments. Vegetable seed oils: Most vegetable oils have higher flash and fire points.

                    Can you top off hydraulic fluid? ›

                    Topping up the hydraulic reservoir is a vital piece of routine maintenance, because – if it is not done correctly – the ramifications are severe. A sure sign of a leaking system is one that requires make-up fluid regularly.

                    Can you just top off transmission fluid? ›

                    Open the hood and locate the transmission fluid dipstick. Remove the dipstick. The tip should be covered in transmission fluid all the way to the FULL indicator line. If the fluid level is low — meaning it doesn't rise to the FULL indicator line — you can just top it off.

                    Does it matter what hydraulic fluid you use? ›

                    Choosing the right hydraulic fluid is crucial to guarantee the best performance and efficiency of the system. Each fluid has its specific characteristics in terms of viscosity, suitable operating conditions, anti-wear properties, etc.

                    Can you use 10W-30 motor oil for hydraulic fluid? ›

                    Yes. 5w30 and 10w30 are both 30 weight oils and the exact same thickness in your engine when it is at operating temperature. The 5w30 is better because it thickens less when cool or cold.

                    Can you use tractor fluid instead of hydraulic fluid? ›

                    One simple answer would be that tractor fluids and hydraulic oils are products that have different formulations and are for different purposes. They are designed for applications in different tractor and heavy-duty machinery components.

                    Which fluid Cannot be used in hydraulic systems? ›

                    Water is not used in fluid power system because it corrodes, encourages growth of bacteria, easily evaporates and gets contaminated easily, has poor lubricity, viscosity and prone to more leakage.

                    What other liquid can be used in a hydraulic system instead? ›

                    What can you use in a hydraulic jack instead of hydraulic fluid? Any oil will work in an emergency. Hydraulic is typically a 20 to 30 weight oil with anti foaming additives. Automatic transmission oil makes a good substitute oil.

                    How to top up hydraulic oil? ›

                    Fill the reservoir with hydraulic jack oil.

                    Pour until the oil is just below the lower rim of the fill hole, then stop. Wipe away any excess oil on the rim before replacing the plug. Use a funnel to avoid spills. Do not use any other type of oil besides hydraulic jack oil.

                    Can I add transmission fluid without changing it? ›

                    While you can add fluid when it gets low, many car manufacturers recommend a transmission fluid change every 30,000 to 100,000 miles (48,000 to 161,000 km) depending on the make and model of your car.

                    What happens if you run out of transmission fluid completely? ›

                    If there is no fluid, there is no hold, the gears cannot spin and therefore the car won't be able to move. If your vehicle does get to the point of having no transmission fluid, you will likely also be looking at extensive repairs or even a full replacement of your transmission.

                    What's the difference between transmission fluid and hydraulic fluid? ›

                    Transmission fluid is enriched with additives to improve lubrication, minimize friction, and shield against wear and corrosion. In contrast, hydraulic fluid incorporates additives for anti-foaming, anti-rust, and anti-oxidation properties, along with viscosity stability under diverse conditions.

                    Is it OK to mix different hydraulic fluids? ›

                    "Is it all right to mix an R&O hydraulic oil with an AW hydraulic oil in a hydraulic application?" Mixing oils with different additive packages is never recommended. Doing so could compromise the additive performance of both constituents, cause corrosion of component surfaces and lead to increased mechanical wear.

                    Is there a universal hydraulic fluid? ›

                    Lucas Synthetic Universal Hydraulic & Transmission Fluid is a blend of the finest synthetic base stocks and a Lucas additive package that meets or exceeds the most stringent manufacturers' specifications, including Caterpillar T02. The user can expect longer fluid life and longer component life.

                    What other liquid can be used in a hydraulic? ›

                    Three common varieties of hydraulic fluids found on the market today are petroleum-based, water-based and synthetics. Petroleum-based or mineral-based fluids are the most widely used fluids today. These fluids offer a low-cost, high quality, readily available selection.

                    What oil can be used for hydraulic fluid? ›

                    Hydraulic equipment used indoors under normal service conditions generally use a conventional antiwear hydraulic oil with the appropriate viscosity. The most commonly used viscosities are ISO 32, 46, or 68, since these are able to lubricate and protect the system under the normal range of operating temperatures.

                    Can you use any fluid in a hydraulic system? ›

                    Depending on the system, you might want a water-based or a petroleum-based fluid; it can be natural/bio or synthetic; some specialized types are even flame-retardant! Agricultural machinery may often use biodegradable hydraulic fluid, while heavy equipment tends to use synthetic, petroleum-based products.

                    Can you use brake fluid for hydraulic fluid? ›

                    Both fluids are incompressible and resistant to heat, making them ideal for use in brake systems. However, that's about where the similarities end, and it should be noted that mineral oil and DOT fluid systems are NOT COMPATIBLE. (You can't change the hydraulic fluid in one system for another.)

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