My Teen is Pregnant & So Am I RECAP 7/2/13: Easier Said Than Done (2025)

Tonight on TLC their new reality series premiere called, MY TEEN IS PREGNANT & SO AM I continues with its forth episode called, “Easier Said Than Done.” On tonight’s show Chaé learns that her baby may have a heart condition. Did you watch last week’s episode we did and we recapped it here for you.

In this poignant series, four mothers deal with the surprising news that they are pregnant again, while simultaneously handling the sheer shock that their teenage daughters are unexpectedly pregnant at the same time.

On last week’s show two families welcomed a new child into their fold. Two defiant boyfriends returned, while another slips away. As new life emerged, tempers grew short, emotions ran high, relationships threatened to unravel, and families were forever changed.

On tonight’s show the limits of motherhood are tested when Nicole has a c-section and Mariah refuses to help because of AJ; Kim goes through a painful labor and delivery; Lemhele and Shaniyah go back to therapy; and Chaé learns that her baby may have a heart condition.

Tonight’s episode sounds like some serious drama will play out between these ladies onscreen. So be sure to tune in for live coverage of TLC’sMy Teen is Pregnant & So Am I Season 1 Episode 4 “Easier Said Than Done” – tonight at 10PM EST.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page for Updates

AJ is back. Nicole says they’re taking things day by day. She calls Mariah to see if she’s still coming over to watch her sister. Mariah doesn’t know why AJ can’t do it . AJ is going with Nicole for her C-section. Mariah then wonders if she can be at the hospital but Nicole doesn’t want her there to start drama with AJ.

Chae is taking her baby home. Her mom iis the one giving her the lift. It seems Chae’s daughter may have a hole in her heart. What makes the situation harder is that Austin left after London was born and hasn’t shown up since. Lorna doesn’t like Austin but now she calms her daughter that she doesn’t have to do this alone.

The doctor finds out London’s heart murmur is minimal and will most likely close up as London gets older. Chae is relived but she knows Austin should have been there.

Shaniyah is talking to her friend, Ciara. Ciara misses her because Shaniyah has been missing a lot of school. Shaniyah tells her friend about how her mom put her in therapy. Shaniyah hates it because she doesn’t like to talk about her business. She didn’t like her mom forcing her to go and even jokes she’s going to runaway one day.

Kim is a week away from her due date. Her boyfriend is still at rehab and possibly won’t be allowed for the birth. Her parents, Bill and Kristi are wondering if their daughter truly is prepared. They feel bad Michael won’t be there but they’re more worried about their daughter. It is getting to Kim and her sisters innocent questions about why Michael is bad, isn’t helping.

Nicole goes in to have her baby. It’s another girl. Baby Emily is 8 pounds and 3b ounces. AJ states he really wants his relationship to work especially with a new baby.

Lemhele has joined Shaniyah’s therapy sessions. The doctor suggested it. Lemhele brought her new baby with her so the therapist asks Shaniyah about her own baby. Shaniyah just says it feels weird. The therapist asks Lemhele how did she feel about her baby. Lemhele explains how she bonded with the baby before he was born. But Shaniyah does her best to ignore all of this until she starts crying.

Nicole texts her family pictures of Emily but Mariah isn’t enthused. She’s still angry her mom took AJ back. She refuses to go see the baby. Her grandmother tries to reason with her but Mariah feels her mom chose someone else over her. It’s been a couple of days and Mariah still hasn’t gone to see her mom. Nicole is upset Mariah didn’t come to see her baby and begins and AJ does his best to cheer her up.

Kim is in labour. Her mom is taking her to the hospital but also calling Michael’s mom to try and get Michael to the hospital. Kim is knocked out from the epidural when Michael arrives. Their son is born twelve hours later. Liam is 8 pounds and 6 ounces.

Shaniyah has been more upbeat and helpful around the house since therapy. Shaniyah is also asking questions about what babies need. She’s even admitting how much she needs her mom.

Chae is getting help from Lorna in fixing things up for London. She didn’t want to ask but knows she needs it. Lorna wants Chae to move on without Austin. She knows Austin will never be a constant in Chae’s life. Chae is starting to accept that but she does want Austin to be involved with her daughter. She tries to track him down but never gets him.

Kim is bringing her baby home. The whole family is making a happy fuss over the baby. The only dark cloud is that Michael has to return to rehab. Kim is crying because after the birth she really wanted him there.

In next week’s promo, Shaniyah goes into labor and Chae tells her friend she was speaking to another guy everytime she had an argument with Austin. Is Austin really London’s father.


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My Teen is Pregnant & So Am I RECAP 7/2/13: Easier Said Than Done (2025)
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