Riverbed Soul Saver - Shmups Wiki - (2024)

Developer: ido, Len
Release date: 2014

Touhou Tougenkyuu ~ Riverbed Soul Saver (東方桃源宮) is a Touhou Project fangame developed by ido and Len in 2014 with the Danmakufu PH3 engine.

It`s mostly inspired in Ten Desires.

For replay videos, visit the Video Index.


  • 1 Gameplay overview
  • 2 Controls
  • 3 Difficulties
  • 4 Scoring
  • 5 Playable Characters and Shot weaponry
    • 5.1 Hakurei Reimu
    • 5.2 Kirisame Marisa
    • 5.3 Mononobe no Futo
  • 6 Items
  • 7 Trivia
  • 8 External Links

Gameplay overview

The gameplay combines elements from Ten Desire, using it`s item system, and as well the spawnage of blue items depending on attack proximity on mid-bosses and bosses. It also as well introduces a mechanic unique to this game.The new unique mechanic is everytime the collected point items count reaches a threshold, bomb parts and life parts are awarded.Another mechanic to this game is the Liberation state. Liberation is a Hyper-like state that enhances shot power, and doubles the awards of life and bomb parts by x2 (including pink and green items). To activate it, the player must fill the entire Liberation gauge and have at least one bomb available, then hold down the bomb button to trigger it.If the player gets hit while on Liberation with bombs available, auto-bomb will occur.


Like the official games, uses the standard Touhou control scheme

  • Z: Shoot
  • X: Bomb (Hold for Liberation activation)
  • Shift: Focus

On keyboard, movement can be done using either the arrow keys or the number pad. The gamepad can also be configured using the config program of the game.


The game has 4 difficulty modes. The higher difficulties are, of course, harder, and also have higher scoring potential. The difficulty modes are:

  • Easy
  • Normal
  • Hard
  • Lunatic

The game also has an Extra stage, as well a Phantasm stage, in which both are treated as their own difficulty. To unlock Extra, the player has to 1cc the main game on any difficulty. To unlock Phantasm, Extra must be completed.

Overdrive is a special difficulty that makes the player go trough all the stages (1,2,4,5,6,EX and PH. Stage 3 is excluded because of Ruri´s role as the Phantasm Mid-boss). Dialouge is also removed, and Liberation state is also always on. The way that mid-bosses and bosses work in Overdrive is that they have a linear HP bar instead of the circle HP bar. The HP bar in Overdrive represents the large amount of HP of mid-bosses and bosses. Overdrive is unlockable for Extra start.


Scoring is highly based on the collecting point items, and blue items from attacking bosses depending on proximity, as well from beating their phases. When the collected point items count reaches a threshold, score bonuses are also awarded.

Playable Characters and Shot weaponry

Riverbed Soul Saver has 3 playable characters, with 3 shot types each. Each shot type has different shot behavior, but unlike other Touhou games, the each character has it`s own bomb.

Hakurei ReimuABC

Automatic Attack TypeShining Needle Concentration TypeProsperity Desire Type
Description: Reimu[A] is a homing shot attacker type. Her shots will chase down any enemy on screen.Description: Reimu[B] is a forward focus shot. Has decent damage output, but kinda lacks some coverage, which makes routing more demanding on many enemy waves.Description: Reimu[C] is a chaser shot. She has a weapon that targets enemies and gets close to them. May require some routing on stages.
Regular shot:
  • Homing Amulet

Powered-up shot:

  • Multiple Amulet
Regular shot:
  • Persuation Needle

Powered-up shot:

  • Yakumo-Type Pinhole
Regular shot:
  • Oonusa Blade

Powered-up shot:

  • Greedy Oonusa Blade

Regualr bomb: Spirit Sign "Fantasy Seal", Powered-up bomb: Barrier "Quadruple Barrier of the Imperishable Night" , Assist: Yakumo Yukari

Kirisame MarisaABC

Unreleting Piercing TypeWide Explosion Sniper TypeRomance Filled Transformation Type
Description: Marisa[A] is a laser attacker type. Has the ability to pierce trough enemies.Description: Marisa[B] is a missile wielder type. Her options spin 360° depending if she moves left or right, and her missiles produce wide burstsDescription: Marisa[C] is a wave shooter type. Altho it´s shot is pretty wide, it is slighty less powerful than her other shot types.
Regular shot:
  • Illusion Laser

Powered-up shot:

  • Water Sword Fragarach
Regular shot:
  • Magic Missile

Powered-up shot:

  • Thunder Spear Brionac
Regular shot:
  • Super Short Wave

Powered-up shot:

  • Philosopher´s Stone Hammers

Regular bomb: Magic Sign "Stardust Reverie", Powered-up bomb: Sage Cannon "Elemental Spark" , Assist: Patchouli Knowledge

Mononobe no FutoABC

Delayed Arrow Exorcism TypeSoaring Thunder and Fire TypeKanyu-Controlling Feng Shui Type
Description: Futo[A] is a wide and charger type. Her wide arrows delay before moving, and has a charge attack that to get more damage, it must be charged more.Description: Futo[B] is a forward shot and fixed decoy attacker type. When holding down the shot button, Tojiko will be placed in a fixed position, rapidly firing 3 arrows forward.Description: Futo[C] is wind attacker type. She can use it to fire wind circles around her or fire it in multiple directions.
Regular shot:
  • Royal Dragon´s Arrow

Powered-up shot:

  • Shoot Lasers with Courtesy
Regular shot:
  • Royal Clan´s Dance

Powered-up shot:

  • Soga Thunder Formation
Regular shot:
  • Wind´s Ominous Hole

Powered-up shot:

  • Combination Wind

Regular bomb: Saint Girl "Oomonoimi´s Dinner", Powered-up bomb: Saint Girl "Sun Godess´s Sacrificie" , Assist: Toyosatomimi no Miko


Point items: Increases score and grants resources whenever the collected point items count reaches a threshold.

Cancel items: Grants extra score. Spawned from mostly bullet cancels and bombing.

Pink items: Gives life parts until achieving an Extend.

Green items: Gives bomb parts until achieving an extra bomb.

Blue items: Grants score. Spawns from attacking bosses depending on distance and from beating their phases.

Full bomb: Gives a full bomb.


  • Like in Ten Desires, Yuyuko appears as the Stage 1 Boss.
  • The Kodamas originally appeared in Mystical Power Plant. Despite their appearance in this game, Yaezaki An does not appear.
  • Magatsuji Hatsuna is highly based on Magahara Mitama from Mystical Power Plant.
  • Mikaboshi Mumumu (the Extra Stage Mid-boss) originates from The Last Comer.
  • The final attacks of Momohime imitates one of Utsuho`s attacks from Subterranean Animism.
  • On Overdrive, Kiyohime imimates Yukari´s last spellcard from Perfect Cherry Blossom.

External Links

  1. Images and info provided byJSAV2006STG(ABC)
Riverbed Soul Saver - Shmups Wiki - (2024)
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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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